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신동훈: 시베리아 극지 미라 관련 논문 서지 목록

필자는 2010년대 후반, 러시아 시베리아 극지 지역에서 현지 연구자들과 함께 일련의 인류학적 연구를 수행하였다.


시베리아 지역의 중세 원주민 미라에 대한 연구가 주를 이루고 있었지만, 미라만 연구 대상은 아니었으며 인골에 대한 연구도 함께 수행한 것이다. 


러시아에서의 연구는 우리에게도 큰 학술적 의미가 있어 계속 진행하고 싶었지만, 우크라이나 전쟁의 여파로 더 이상의 협력 연구는 중단 된 상태인점, 매우 안타까운 일이다. 


아래는 그 연구의 총 목록이다. 




E2023-1. Kim JE, Lee HJ, Hong JH, Kenig A, Zaitsera E, Slepchenko S, Kim S, Shin DH. Cross-Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Data from the Remains of Joseon Dynasty Mummies and Other Agrarian People of 16th to 18th Century Eurasian Continent. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2023. 47: 103732.


E2023-6. Slepchenko SM, Gusev AV, Svyatova EO, Hong JH, Lee H, Shin DH. Anthropological report of arctic people's mummy found at a medieval grave of West Siberia. Anat Cell Biol. 2023 Sep 30;56(3):404-408.


E2023-7. Slepchenko S, Filimonova M, Ivanov S, Kenig A, Zaitseva E, Shin DH. The first archaeoparasitological data on the Russian rural population in Western Siberia in the 18th–19th centuries. Anthropological Science. 2023 Volume 131 Issue 2 Pages 133-139.


E2023-8. Lee HJ, Hong JH, Shin DH, Slepchenko S. Difference in linear enamel hypoplasia frequency between the 16th- to 19th-century agrarian populations of the Korean Joseon dynasty and Siberian Russia. Anthropological Science. (in press)


E2022-5. Lee H, Hong JH, Tataurova L, Slepchenko S, Kim J, Shin DH. Dental Calculi of Siberian Natives, Russian Settlers, and Korean People of Joseon Dynasty Period in the 16th to 19th Century Eurasia Continent. Biomed Res Int. 2022 May 9;2022: 5765604. doi: 10.1155/2022/5765604. PMID: 35592522; PMCID: PMC9112181.


E2022-6. Lee HJ, Hong JH, Slepchenko S, Shin DH. Porotic Hyperostosis Observed in the 16th to 19th Century Crania of Native Siberians, Russian Settlers, and Joseon Dynasty Koreans.  Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia. 50/2 (2022) 150–156.


E2019-2. Lee HJ, Hong JH, Kim YJ, Hong Y, Shin DH and Slepchenko S. Caries, antemortem tooth loss and tooth wear observed in indigenous peoples and Russian settlers of 16th to 19th century West Siberia. Arch Oral Biol. Volume 98, February 2019, Pages 176-181.


E2019-3. Slepchenko S, Kardash O, Ivanova S, Afonin A, Shin DH, Hong JH. The Buchta-Nakhodka 2 burial ground: Results of archaeoparasitological and macro-remains investigations of samples from the burial grounds of the 6th–13th century CE on the Yamal Peninsula in Russia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 23: 791-799.


E2019-5. Slepchenko SM, Hong JH, Oh CS, Gusev AV, Fedorova NV, Shin DH. Medieval mummies of Zeleny Yar burial ground in the Arctic Zone of Western Siberia. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210718.


E2019-11. Slepchenko S.M., Kozlov A.I., Bugmyrin S.V. and Shin D.H. Comparison of helminth infection among the native populations of the arctic and subarctic areas in Western Siberia throughout history: parasitological researches on contemporary and the archaeoparasitological resources. Korean J Parasitol. 2019. 57(6): 607-612.


E2019-12. Slepchenko SM, Kardash OV, Slavinsky VS, Ivanov SN, Sergeyevna RD, Tsybankov AA, Shin DH. Archaeoparasitological Analysis of Samples from the Cultural Layer of Nadym Gorodok dated Back to the 14th-Late 18th Centuries. Korean J Parasitol. 2019. 57(6): 567-573.


영문단행본 챕터


B2021-2. Slepchenko, S.M., Hong, J.H., Shin, D.H. (2021). Mummies in Siberia. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_27


B2021-9. Slepchenko, S.M., Seo, M., Hong, J.H., Oh, C.S., Shin, D.H. (2021). Mummies and Skeletonized Individuals to Reveal the Relationship of Parasitism, Social Complexity, and Subsistence Strategy in Eurasian Continent. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_45


B2021-15. Slepchenko, S.M. et al. (2021). Bog Bodies and Natural Mummification of Siberia. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_48


B2020-12. Reinhard K., Slepchenko S., Shin D.H. (2020) Archaeoparasitology. In: Smith C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, Cham. http://doi-org-443.webvpn.fjmu.edu.cn/10.1007/978-3-030-30018-0_3335




NM2017-1. The Siberian Times: Meet the mummified Polar beauty, her long eyelashes and hair still intact after 900 years (04 August 2017)


NM2017-2. TASS Russian News Agency: Russian and South Korean scientists to study Yamal mummy jointly (July 17, 2017)


NM2017-3. The Siberian Times: Cocooned in copper, best fur, fabric and birch bark, an adult and tiny baby from the 8th century (July 14, 2017)


NM2016-4. The Siberian Times: Up-close laboratory pictures of ancient mummy as scientists recreate his life and times. (15 July 2016)