조선시대 미라에 관해 필자가 출판한 논문 단행본 등 총 서지 목록은 다음과 같다.
영문 논문
E2023-1. Kim JE, Lee HJ, Hong JH, Kenig A, Zaitsera E, Slepchenko S, Kim S, Shin DH. Cross-Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Data from the Remains of Joseon Dynasty Mummies and Other Agrarian People of 16th to 18th Century Eurasian Continent. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2023. 47: 103732.
E2023-2. Oh CS, Kim MJ, Kim YS, Min S, Oh KT, Lee SD, Shin DH. Revealing Joseon period People's single nucleotide polymorphism associated with lactase gene by ancient DNA analysis of human remains from archaeological sites in Korea. Anat Cell Biol. 2023 Mar 31;56(1):54-60. doi: 10.5115/acb.22.178. Epub 2022 Dec 1. PMID: 36450657; PMCID: PMC9989794.
E2023-3. CS Oh, JY Chai, S Min, KT Oh, J Seol, MK Song, DH Shin, M Seo. Updates of Joseon Period Parasite Infection Prevalence by Parasitological Studies on Human Coprolites from Archaeological Sites of Euijeongbu, Gumi and Wonju Cities. Parasit Host Dis. 61 (1), 89-93.
E2023-8. Lee HJ, Hong JH, Shin DH, Slepchenko S. Difference in linear enamel hypoplasia frequency between the 16th- to 19th-century agrarian populations of the Korean Joseon dynasty and Siberian Russia. Anthropological Science. (in press)
E2023-9. Koh ES, Lee DY, Yoo DS, Kim MJ, Hong JH, Park SJ, Kim JE, Shin DH. (2023). Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Gangneung Mummy’s Heart and Liver based on the Computed Tomography Images. Ancient Asia, 14: 1, pp. 1-8.
E2023-10. Chai JY, Seo M, Shin DH. Paleoparasitology Research in Korea: Ancient Helminth Eggs and Larvae Detected in Archaeological Samples. Parasit Host Dis. 2023 Nov;61(4):345-387.
E2022-1. Oh CS, Seo M, Lee HJ, Kim MJ, Lim DS, Shin DH. Genetic analysis of ancient Clonorchis sinensis eggs from Goryeong mummy of Joseon dynasty period. Journal of Parasitology. 2022 Jan 1;108(1):70-78.
E2022-7. Ryu JY, Yoon AY, Park YK, Lee WJ, Song MK, Hong JH, Park EJ, Cha SC, Yoo D, Kim MJ, Shin DH. A portrait drawing of the 17th century Korean scholar based on craniofacial reconstruction. Anat Cell Biol. 2022 Dec 31;55(4):512-519. doi: 10.5115/acb.22.094. Epub 2022 Aug 8. PMID: 35934690; PMCID: PMC9747348.
E2022-8. Koh E, Lee DY, Yoo D, Kim MJ, Lee IS, Hong JH, Park SJ, Kim J, Cha SC, Lee H, Oh CS, Shin DH. Revisiting diaphragmatic hernia of Joseon period Korean mummy by three-dimensional liver and heart segmentation and model reconstruction. Anat Cell Biol. 2022 Dec 31;55(4):507-511. doi: 10.5115/acb.22.092. Epub 2022 Aug 11. PMID: 35948525; PMCID: PMC9747339.
E2021-1. Lee, H., Song, M.K., Nam, K.-M., Kim, H., Park, J.-W., Cha, S.C., Kim, J., Hong, J.H., Kang, R.-J. and Shin, D.H., 2021. Archaeological and Anthropological Investigation in Case of Urgent Time Constraints of Rescue Archaeology in South Korea. Ancient Asia, 12, p.4. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/aa.231
E2021-2. Oh CS, Lee H, Kim J, Hong JH, Cha SC, Chai JY, Ha CM, Kang RJ, Lim DS, Shin DH, Seo M. Two Helminthic Cases of Human Mummy Remains from Joseon-Period Graves in Korea. Korean J Parasitol. 2021 Apr;59(2):149-152.
E2021-5. Oh CS, Hong JH, Chai JY, Song MK, Jang HJ, Seo M, Shin DH. Ancient DNA of Metagonimus yokogawai Recovered from Joseon Period Human Remains Newly Discovered at Goryeong County in South Korea. Acta Parasitol. 2022 Mar;67(1):539-545. doi: 10.1007/s11686-021-00487-0. Epub 2021 Nov 3. PMID: 34731404.
E2020-6. Hong JH, Seo M, Oh CS, Chai JY, Shin DH. Metagonimus yokogawai Ancient DNA Recovered from 16th- to 17th-Century Korean Mummy Feces of the Joseon Dynasty. J Parasitol. 2020 Nov 12;106(6):802-808. doi: 10.1645/20-42. PMID: 33351947.
E2019-7. Hong JH, Oh CS, Seo M, Shin DH. Analysis of COI and ITS2 regions of DNA obtained from Paragonimus westermani eggs in ancient coprolites on Joseon dynasty mummies. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2019;114: e180595.
E2019-9. Hong, J. H., Oh, C. S., Chai, J. Y., Seo, M. & Shin, D. H. Cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1, internal transcribed spacer 1, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen dehydrogenase subunits 2 and 5 of Clonorchis sinensis ancient DNA retrieved from Joseon Dynasty mummy specimens. Journal of Korean Medical Science. 34, 20, e149.
E2019-10. Hong JH, Oh CS, See M and Shin DH. Genetic Analysis of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA, Internal Transcribed Spacer 2, and ATP Synthase Subunit 8 of Trichuris trichiura Ancient DNA Retrieved from the 15th to 18th Century Joseon Dynasty Mummies' Coprolites from Korea. Journal of Parasitology. 105 (4): 539-545.
E2019-14. Zhan X, Yeh H-Y, Shin DH, Chai J-Y, Seo M, Mitchell PD. Differential Change in the Prevalence of the Ascaris, Trichuris and Clonorchis infection Among Past East Asian Populations. Korean J Parasitol. 2019. 57(6): 601-605.
E2018-1. Shin DH, Oh CS, Hong JH, Lee H, Lee SD, Lee E. Helicobacter pylori DNA obtained from the stomach specimens of two 17th century Korean mummies. Anthropol Anz. 2018 Feb 1;75(1):75-87.
E2018-2. Oh CS, Kang IU, Hong JH, Park JB and Shin DH. An Experiment Assessment of the Cause of Mummification in Joseon Period Burials, Republic of Korea. Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia. 2018. 46(1) 117-122.
E2018-6. Oh CS, Hong JH, Park JB, Lee WJ, Bianucci R, Piombino-Mascali D, Shin DH. From excavation site to reburial ground: a standard protocol of mummy studies in South Korea. Asian Journal of Paleopathology. 2018; 2, 1-8.
E2018-8. Oh CS, Shin DH, Hong JH, and Lee E. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Analyses on ABCC11, EDAR, FGFR2 and ABO Genotypes of Mummified People of Joseon Dynasty, South Korea. 2018. Anthropological Science. 126(2): 67-73.
E2018-14. Shin DH, Bianucci R, Fujita H, Hong JH. Mummifications in Korea and China: Mawangdui, Song, Ming and Joseon Dynasty mummies. Biomed Research International 2018: 6215025.
E2018-16. Kim Y-S, Oh CS, Kim MJ, Hong JH, and Shin DH. Post-factum autopsy to confirm cardiac structures visible on computed tomography images of Korean mummies: The radiological basis of paleo-cardiology. Anthropologischer Anzeiger. 75(4) 339-350.
E2017-1. Seo M, Oh CS, Hong JH, Chai J-Y, Cha SC, Bang Y, Cha IG, Wi YG, Park JM and Shin DH. Estimation of Parasite Infection Prevalence of Joseon People by Paleoparasitological Data Updates from the Coprolites of Pre-modern Korean Mummies. 2017. Anthropological Science 125 (1): 9-14.
E2017-3. Yi Suk Kim, Myeung Ju Kim, Jong Ha Hong, Chang Seok Oh, Raffaella Bianucci, and Dong Hoon Shin. The Scientific and Ethical Background of the Invasive Studies on the Korean Mummies of the Joseon Dynasty. 2017. Asian Journal of Paleopathology. Vol. 1, pp. 5-11.
E2017-5. Dong Hoon Shin, Yi-Suk Kim, Dong Soo Yoo, Myeung Ju Kim, Chang Seok Oh, Jong Ha Hong, Eunju Lee, Jong Yil Chai, Min Seo. A case of ectopic paragonimiasis in a 17th century Korean mummy. 2017. Journal of Parasitology. 103(4): 399-403.
E2017-6. Oh CS, Kang IU, Hong JH, Slepchenko S, Park JB and Shin DH. Tracing the historical origin of Joseon mummies considering the structural similarities between the burial systems of Korean and Chinese dynasties. 2017. Papers on Anthropology. XXVI/2, pp. 68–81.
E2017-7. Hong JH, Oh CS, Seo M, Chai JY and Shin DH. Ascaris ancient DNA sequences of cytochrome B, cytochrome C, oxidase subunit 1, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and internal transcribed spacer 1 genes from Joseon mummy feces of Korea. 2017. Journal of Parasitology. 103(6): 795-800.
E2017-9. Dong Hoon Shin, Chang Seok Oh, Jong Ha Hong, Yusu Kim, Soong Deok Lee, Eunju Lee. Paleogenetic Study on the 17th Century Korean Mummy with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. 2017. PLOS ONE 12(8): e0183098.
E2016-3. Kim Y-S, Lee IS, Oh CS, Kim MJ, Cha SC and Shin DH. Calcified Pulmonary Nodules Identified in 350-Year-Old-Joseon Mummy: The First Report on Ancient Pulmonary Tuberculosis from Archaeologically Obtained Pre-modern Korean Samples. 2016. Journal of Korean Medical Science 31(1): 147-151.
E2015-1. Oh CS, Koh B-J, Yoo DS, Park JB, Min SR, Kim Y-S, Lee SS, Ge J, Seo SB and Shin DH. Joseon Funerary Texts Tested Using Ancient DNA Analysis of a Korean Mummy. 2015. Anatomical Record. 298: 1191-1207.
E2015-2. Arguelles P, Reinhard K, and Shin DH. Forensic Palynological Analysis of Intestinal Contents of a Korean Mummy. 2015. Anatomical Record 298: 1182-1190.
E2015-4. Kim MJ, Kim Y-S, Oh CS, Go J-H, Lee IS, Park W-K, Cho S-M, Kim S-K, Shin DH. Anatomical Confirmation of Computed Tomography-Based Diagnosis of the Atherosclerosis Discovered in 17th Century Korean Mummy. 2015. PLOS ONE 10(3): e0119474.
E2015-5. Oh CS, Seo M, Hong JH, Chai JY, Oh SW, Park JB, Shin DH. Ancient Mitochondrial DNA Analyses of Ascaris Eggs Discovered in Coprolites from Joseon Tomb. 2015. Korean Journal of Parasitology 53(2): 237-242
E2015-8. Moissidou D, Day J, Shin DH and Bianucci R. Invasive versus non-invasive methods applied to mummy research: will this controversy ever be solved? 2015. BioMed Research International, Article ID 192829.
E2014-1. Seo M, Oh CS, Chai J-Y, Jeong MS, Hong SW, Seo Y-M, Shin DH. The Changing Pattern of Parasitic Infection among Korean Populations by Paleoparasitological Study of Joseon Dynasty Mummies. Journal of Parasitology 2014 Feb;100(1):147-50.
E2014-3. Song MK and Shin DH. Joseon mummies before bioanthropological studies began in Korea. Papers on Anthropology XXIII/1, 2014, pp. 117–134.
E2014-4. Seo M, Araujo A, Reinhard K, Chai JY, Shin DH. Paleoparasitological studies on mummies of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea. Korean J Parasitol. 2014 Jun;52(3):235-42.
E2014-5. Won Joon Lee, A Young Yoon, Mi Kyung Song, Caroline M. Wilkinson, and Dong Hoon Shin. The archaeological contribution of forensic craniofacial reconstruction to a portrait drawing of a Korean historical figure. Journal of Archaeological Science 49 (2014) 228-236.
E2014-6. Yi-Suk Kim, In Sun Lee, Go-Un Jung; Chang Seok Oh, Dong Su Yoo, Won Joon Lee, Eunju Lee, Soon Chul Cha, Dong Hoon Shin. Radiological Diagnosis of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in 17th century Korean Mummy. PLoS ONE 9(7): e99779. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099779
E2014-7. Israel Hershkovitz, Mark Spigelman, Do-Sun Lim, In Sun Lee, Chang Seok Oh, Hila May, Elisabetta Boaretto, Yi-Suk Kim, Soong Deok Lee, Natan Peled, Myeung Ju Kim, Talya Toledano, Gila Kahila Bar-Gal and Dong Hoon Shin. A possible case of Cherubism in a 17th-century Korean female mummy. PLOS ONE 9(8):e102441. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102441
E2014-8. Oh CS and Shin DH. Making Animal Model for Korean Mummy Studies. Anthrop Anz. 71/4 (2014), pp. 469–488.
E2013-1. Oh CS, Lee SJ, Lee SD, Kim MJ, Kim Y-S, Lim D-S, and Shin DH. Amplification of DNA remnants in mummified human brains from medieval Joseon tombs of Korea. Anthrop Anz Volume 70 No. 1 (2013), p. 57 - 81.
E2013-2. Shin DH, Oh CS, Lee HJ, Chai JY, Lee SJ, Hong D-W, Lee SD, Seo M. Ancient DNA analysis on Clonorchis sinensis eggs remained in samples from medieval Korean mummy. Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 211-216.
E2013-4. Lee EJ, Oh CS, Yim SG, Park JB, Kim Y-S, Shin MH, Lee SD, Shin DH. Collaboration of archaeologists, historians and bioarchaeologists during removal of clothing from Korean mummy of Joseon dynasty. International Journal of Historical Archaeology March 2013, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp 94-118.
E2012-2. Kahila Bar-Gal G, Kim MJ, Klein A, Shin DH, Oh CS, Kim JW, Kim TH, Kim SB, Grant PR, Pappo O, Spigelman M, Shouval D. Tracing hepatitis B virus to the 16th century in a Korean mummy. Hepatology. 2012 Nov;56(5):1671-80.
E2012-3. Shin DH, Oh CS, Chai JY, Ji MJ, Lee HJ, Seo M. Sixteenth Century Gymnophalodes seoi Infection on the Coast of the Korean Penninsula. J Parasitol. 2012 Dec;98(6):1283-6. doi: 10.1645/GE-2920.1. Epub 2012 Apr 23.
E2012-4. Shin DH, Oh CS, Lee SJ, Lee E-J, Yim SG, Kim MJ, Kim Y-S, Lee SD, Lee YS, Seo M. Ectopic paragonimiasis from 400 year old female mummy of Korea. Journal of Archaeological Science Volume 39, Issue 4, April 2012, Pages 1103–1110.
E2011-2. Shin DH, Oh CS, Chai J-Y, Lee H-J and Seo M. Enterobius vermicularis Eggs Discovered in Coprolites from a Medieval Korean Mummy. Korean J Parasitol Vol. 49, No. 3: 323-326, September 2011.
E2011-5. Oh CS, Lee SY, Lee IS, Kim Y-S, Koh KS and Shin DH. Differential findings in post-factum dissections of medieval Korean mummies which exhibited similar preservation patterns on computerized tomography images. Annals of Anatomy 2011 Dec 20;193(6):544-9.
E2010-2. Lim D-S, Oh CS, Lee SJ and Shin DH. 2010. Auto-fluorescence emitted from the cell residues preserved in human tissues of medieval Korean mummies. J Anatomy. 217 (1) 67-75.
E2010-4. Oh CS, Seo M, Chai JY, Lee SJ, Kim MJ, Park JB and Shin DH. 2010. Amplification and sequencing of Trichuris trichiura ancient DNA extracted from archaeological sediments. Journal of Archaeological Science. 37 (6): 1269-1273.
E2010-5. Oh CS, Seo M, Lim NJ, Lee SJ, Lee EJ, Lee SD, Shin DH. 2010. Paleoparasitological report on Ascaris aDNA from an ancient East Asian sample. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 105 (2): 225-228.
E2010-7. Shin DH, Lee IS, Kim MJ, Oh CS, Park JB, Bok GD, Yoo DS. 2010. Magnetic resonance imaging performed on a hydrated mummy of medieval Korea. J Anat. 216 (3): 329-34.
E2009-1. Lee IS, Lee EJ, Park JB, Baek SH, Oh CS, Lee SD, Kim YS, Bok GD, Hong JW, Lim DS, Shin MH, Seo M, Shin DH. 2009. Acute traumatic death of a 17th century general based on examination of mummified remains found in Korea. Ann Anat. Jun;191(3):309-20. Epub 2009 Mar 11.
E2009-2. Shin DH, Lim DS, Choi KJ, Oh CS, Kim MJ, Lee IS, Kim SB, Shin JE, Bok GD, Chai JY, Seo M. 2009. Scanning electron microscope study of ancient parasite eggs recovered from Korean mummies of the Joseon Dynasty. J Parasitol. Feb;95(1):137-45.
E2009-3. Shin DH, Chai JY, Park EA, Lee W, Lee H, Lee JS, Choi YM, Koh BJ, Park JB, Oh CS, Bok GD, Kim WL, Lee E, Lee EJ, Seo M. 2009. Finding ancient parasite larvae in a sample from a male living in late 17th century Korea. J Parasitol. Jun;95(3):768-71.
E2009-4. Lee EJ, Shin DH, Yang HY, Spigelman M, Yim SG. 2009. Eung Tae’s tomb: a Joseon ancestor and the letters of those that loved him. Antiquity 83(319):145–156.
E2008-2. Seo M, Shin DH, Guk SM, Oh CS, Lee EJ, Shin MH, Kim MJ, Lee SD, Kim YS, Yi YS, Spigelman M, Chai JY. 2008. Gymnophalloides seoi eggs from the stool of a 17th century female mummy found in Hadong, Republic of Korea. J Parasitol. Apr;94(2):467-72.
E2008-3. Chang BS, Uhm CS, Park CH, Kim HK, Jung HS, Ham JH, Lee GY, Kim DH, Lee KJ, Bang IS, Oh CS, Shin DH. 2008. Ultramicroscopic investigation of the preservation status of hair collected from a full-term, intrauterine baby mummy of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 18(6):624–631
E2008-4. Kim MJ, Oh CS, Lee IS, Lee BH, Choi JH, Lim D-S, Yi YS, Han W-J, Kim Y-S, Bok GD, Lee SD, Shin DH. 2008. Human mummified brain from a medieval tomb with lime-soil mixture barrier of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 18(6):614–623
E2008-5. Lim DS, Lee IS, Choi KJ, Lee SD, Oh CS, Kim YS, Bok GD, Kim MJ, Yi YS, Lee EJ, Shin DH. 2008. The potential for non-invasive study of mummies: validation of the use of computerized tomography by post factum dissection and histological examination of a 17th century female Korean mummy. J Anat. Oct;213(4):482-95.
E2007-3. Seo M, Guk SM, Kim J, Chai JY, Bok GD, Park SS, Oh CS, Kim MJ, Yi YS, Shin MH, Kang IU, Shin DH. 2007. Paleoparasitological report on the stool from a Medieval child mummy in Yangju, Korea. J Parasitol. Jun;93(3):589-92.
E2007-6. Lee IS, Kim MJ, Yoo DS, Lee YS, Park SS, Bok GD, Han SH, Chung YH, Chang BS, Yi YS, Oh CS, Shin DH. 2007. Three-dimensional reconstruction of medieval child mummy in Yangju, Korea, using multi-detector computed tomography. Ann Anat. 189(6):558-68.
E2006-1. Kim MJ, Park SS, Bok GD, Choi YH, Lee IS, Shin KJ, Han GR, Youn M, Han SH, Kang IW, Chang BS, Cho YJ, Chung YH and Shin DH. Medieval mummy from Yangju. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia.2006.28(1) 122-129.
E2006-4. Chang BS, Uhm CS, Park CH, Kim HK, Lee GY, Cho HH, Chung YH, Shin DH. 2006. Ultramicroscopic study on the hair of newly found 15th century mummy in Daejeon, Korea. Ann Anat. Sep;188(5):439-45.
E2006-6. Chang BS, Uhm CS, Park CH, Kim HK, Lee GY, Cho HH, Kim MJ, Chung YH, Song KW, Lim do S, Shin DH. 2006. Preserved skin structure of a recently found fifteenth-century mummy in Daejeon, Korea. J Anat. Nov;209(5):671-80.
E2006-7. Kim SB, Shin JE, Park SS, Bok GD, Chang YP, Kim J, Chung YH, Yi YS, Shin MH, Chang BS, Shin DH, Kim MJ. 2006. Endoscopic investigation of the internal organs of a 15th-century child mummy from Yangju, Korea. J Anat. Nov;209(5):681-8.
E2003-3. Shin DH, Youn M, Chang BS. Histological analysis on the medieval mummy in Korea. Forensic Sci Int. 2003 Nov 26;137(2-3):172-82.
E2003-6. Shin DH, Choi YH, Shin KJ, Han GR, Youn M, Kim CY, Han SH, Seo JC, Park SS, Cho YJ, Chang BS. Radiological analysis on a mummy from a medieval tomb in Korea. Ann Anat. 2003 Jul;185(4):377-82.
국문 논문
K2019-2. 오창석, 신동훈, 김용근, 박준범. 인류학적 조사 후 옛 사람 유해를 유족에게 반환한 사례에 대하여. 해부생물인류학. 2019. 2019 Jun;32(2):77-82. (Korean)
K2015-1. 김유수, 오창석, 홍종하, 성문우, 신동훈. 조선시대 미라 뇌조직을 이용한 질병관련 유전자 진단에서 Multiplex Ligation Dependent Probe Amplification Assay 기법 적용 가능성검토. 대한체질인류학회지 2015; 28(3): 137-143
K2009-1. 신동훈, 오창석, 박준범, 김명주, 복기대. 해외연구동향에 비추어 본 조선시대 회곽묘 출토 한국미라연구 현황. 동양학 2009; 46: 243-267.
영문단행본 챕터
B2021-5. Shin, D.H., Oh, C.S., Hong, J.H., Shin, M.H., Kim, M.J., Lee, H.J. (2021). Joseon Dynasty Mummies of Korea. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_29
B2021-6. Spigelman, M., Shin, D.H. (2021). Endoscopy in Mummy Studies. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_6
B2021-7. Shin, D.H., Oh, C.S., Hong, J.H. (2021). Mummies of Song-Ming Dynasty in China. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_32
B2021-8. Lee, W.J., Shin, D.H. (2021). Craniofacial Reconstruction in Mummy Studies. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_5
B2021-10. Joo, K., Shin, D.H. (2021). Mummies in China: Mawangdui and Other Related Mummies. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_30
B2021-11. Seo, M., Hong, J.H., Reinhard, K.J., Shin, D.H. (2021). Archaeoparasitology of Korean Mummies. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_14
B2021-16. Shin, D.H., Oh, C.S., Hong, J.H., Song, M.K. (2021). Mummy Clothing Found in East Asia. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_37
B2021-17. Kim, YS., Kim, M.J., Oh, C.S., Hong, J.H., Shin, D.H. (2021). Radiological and Ethical Considerations of Autopsy in Mummy Study. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3354-9_7
B2020-13. Shin D.H., Bianucci R., Piombino-Mascali D. (2020) Mummy Studies. In: Smith C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, Cham. http://doi-org-443.webvpn.fjmu.edu.cn/10.1007/978-3-030-30018-0_3281
B2017-2. Кан, ИнУк, СинДонХун.Мультидисциплинарное изучение мумий из средневековых памятников Кореи.In: [Мультидисциплинарные методы в археологии: новейшие итоги и перспективы] - Новосибирск: ИАЭТ СО РАН, 2017.
B2014-1. Shin DH, Oh CS, Kim MJ, You DS and Lee IS. What could radiological study say about Korean mummies? Yearbook of Mummy Studies, 2014. March. Vol. 2. 125-131. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Scientific publisher, Munchen, Germany.
B2011-2. Seo M, Oh CS and Shin DH. Parasite Eggs found in Korean Mummies. Yearbook of Mummy Studies, Vol. 1, pp. 75-81, June 2011. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Scientific publisher, Munchen, Germany.
B2008-1. Shin MH, Yi YS, Bok GD, Lee E-J, Spigelman M, Park JB, Min S-R and Shin DH. How did mummification occur in bodies buried in tombs with a lime soil mixture barrier during the Joseon Dynasty in Korea. Mummies and Science World Mummies Research. Pena PA, Martin RM and Rodriguez AR (eds.) 105-113. 2008. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.
B2008-2. Kim MJ, Lee IS, Spigelman M, Donoghue HD, Lee SD, Kim Y-S, Lim DS, Oh CS, Seo M, Park J-B, Min S-R, and Shin DH. Future prospects for the scientific investigations of the medieval human remains from the Joseon Dynasty in Korea. Mummies and Science World Mummies Research. Pena PA, Martin RM and Rodriguez AR (eds.) 105-113. 2008. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.
NM2020-3. 절규하는 미라. 심장마비로 사망했을까. 과학동아. 2020. 9월호.
NM2019-3. Reading Explorer 2: National Geographic Explorer. June 6, 2019.
NM2017-4. 과학동아: 미라가 알려주는 조선양반 사망사건의 전말. 2017년 11월호
NM2016-6. 중앙일보: 미라·인골에 빠진 신동훈 서울대 의대 교수 “뼈는 과거 엿보는 타임머신…유골 200분 넘게 모셨죠” 2016. 6.6.
NM2016-7. 서울대뉴스: 인간을 이해하는 또 다른 방법. 2016-9-5.
NM2015-1 Reading Explorer (2nd Ed): Student Book 2 (by Paul MacIntyre) 2015.Cengage Learning/National Geographic Learning. Page 44.
NM2014-1. Science Magazine News: Scientists spot hernia in 300-year-old mummy (Jul. 11, 2014). https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/07/scientists-spot-hernia-300-year-old-mummy
NM2014-2. Archaeology Magazine News: Congenital Hernia Diagnosed in 17th-Century Korean Mummy (July 11, 2014).
NM2012-1. 동아일보: 조선시대 선조들은 기생충에 시달렸다. 2012-9-17
NM2012-2. 한국일보: 조선시대 남자 키 161cm 2012-2-1
NM2011-1. 주간동아: 한국미라, 조선의 타임캡슐. 2011-6-28
NM2011-2. 과학동아: 그녀는 왜 미라가 되었을까. Vol. 306. June, 2011.
NM2010-1 Archaeology Magazine: Korean Love Affair. A family of 16th century mummies captives a nation. Mar/Apr 2010.
NM2010-2 JoongAng Daily: Is there a doctor in the grave? Aug 04, 2010
NM2010-3 National Geographic Kids: Mummies: Dried, Tanned, Sealed, Drained, Frozen, Embalmed, Stuffed, Wrapped, and Smoked...and We're Dead Serious Hardcover – September 14, 2010
NM2010-4 경향신문: 400년 전 조선양반 ‘미라’ CT촬영 등으로 살펴보니.. 2010-10-7
NM2010-5. 문화일보: 2007년 발견된 400년 전 조선시대 남성 미라. 2010-10-6
NM2010-6. 조선일보: 턱뼈골절로 사망한 조선시대 미라. 2010-10-7
NM2009-2 동아일보: 출산 중 사망. 350년 전 미라 발견. 2009-6-9
NM2009-3 경향신문: 미라 잠들어 있는 그대에게 묻는다. 2009-6-25
NM2009-4 조선일보: [WHY] 조선시대 충치 많았겠죠? 근데 미라엔 거의 없어요. 2009-12-12
NM2009-5 어린이과학동아: 미라 2009-8-1
NM2008-1 Academia: Koreas Mumien. #48. 2008.
NM2007-1 Current World Archaeology: Infected Mummy Child. No. 26 Dec/Jan 2007/2008
NM2007-2 National Geographic: Locks of Love. Nov 2007.
NM2007-3 National Geographic News: Korean mummies reveal medical clues, love poems. July 25, 2007
NM2007-4 Archaeology Magazine: From the Trenches.Nov/Dec 2007.
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